Thursday, March 12, 2009

..and told you about her favorite Doctor

This man is named Tom Baker. He was the 4th incarnation of the Doctor in the series entitled Doctor Who.

If you don't know who or what Doctor Who is,go wiki it you dolt you are both uncultured and uncouth... Its a brit tv show..

Anyway he was the doctor from 1974-1981. He was my mothers fave doctor and as of late I have been rediscovering his episodes and I can safely say i see why my mum likes him. He is wild and wacky and his scarf is cool.

Oh and Sarah Jane,his companion,kicked ass.

This is The Master.He is the "bad" guy.My mother says they have sexual tension...

Sexual Tension?

....I hate my mom.

I need a jelly baby.


  1. I vaguely remember Doctor Who. Mostly the cool intro music and the phone booth. and some overcast skies and rolling green hill landscapes.

  2. Have a sour patch kid instead!!!!

  3. I totally will have a Sour Patch Kid

    Cashphiles-Doctor Who is one of those things that you just have to watch. Its old,sometimes cheesy,always changing GREAT TV
