Friday, March 13, 2009

..and missed music television.

I'm a child of th Eighties. I remember that in my house there was one cable channel- HBO. I remember begging my mom to let me stay up on Sunday nights (till 8:30) to watch Fraggle Rock- She said no. I also remember there was this channel that all the cool kids wanted called MTV. It played music videos and was,in its day, the best shit on the planet.

fast forward to the Nighties.
The Beach house
Road Rules
Real World
Beavis and Butthead

This guy
This is Kurt Loder

He use to be Rock News Royalty.

Now MTV news is a joke. Sorry Sway,you are fucking annoying.

What happened to Music Television?

Was it the prosperous 90's and the subsequent dumbing down of the Generation. Was it the flooding in Television of the nasty ungodly unoriginal scraping the bottom of the barrel Reality show genre?

Perhaps it was I just growing up. I always joked that VH1 which is MTV's sister channel is MTV for older people, and now its kinda true.

VH1 and MTV and even Fuse have jumped the gun. No longer are they or their offshoot networks are about music but the dying idea that they are still relevant. Hell if the biggest tv shows on both networks are a show about rich bitches in LA or a series about dating a has been rapper or a balding rock star or even a show about more nostalgic times are the biggest things on the networks,why aren't people asking: Where is the music?

And don't get me started on Fuse- it started a as rock station but now is the z100 of tv-catering to both the Rap stereotypes and the teenybopper crows. I want to know why there aren't enough music videos and they have to show shitty movies like Joe vs. the Volcano..


Joe Vs. the Volcano was good

..I digress.

There are some good things if you wanted to watch these crap channels
On VH1 there is a series called "Celebrity Rehab" which shows that addiction hits everyone ,no matter how famous. I respect Doctor Drew a lot because he tries to get to the bottom of why these people aren't happy rather then try to pamper them.

I also adore VH1 classic because they actually show music videos. GOOD music videos.

Shit I remember when a music video made or broke an artist.

I think the decline in quality in music television is a direct result of the decline in quality music-thus the Music channels are scrambling to put on cheap and effective programing that will bring in the ratings.Unfortunately the side effect is - the dumbing down of a whole generation.

My whole generation have become annoyed with mainstream music and have embraced nostalgia and independent artists. I say a little too much..

Leave the 80's alone ok. Yes,it was a cool decade but supporting rip off artists,remake movies and copy cat fashions. Rather then buying the original album,movie or fashion.

In conclusion


...But then again--so is the whole music industry unless it adapts to modern times. Downloads,websites,connecting with fans.

Until then,support indy bands,turn on satellite or INTERNET radio or watch videos on Youtube. Listen to music that YOU want to listen to.


  1. Well fucking said! Fuse was my favorite channel and now it's complete shit! MTV...what can I say I never expected anything out of MTV since the year 2000...

  2. I was always desperate to watch MTV in the 80's, but my mother wouldn't let us. It was totally banned in our house, and we were only allowed to watch VH1 which was full of old-people-music like Lady In Red (a song that still haunts me in my nightmares).

  3. Its sad that the only music channel actually SHOWING videos during the day is VH1 Classic.

    I blame Carson Daily

  4. I could actually still stand to watch MTV up through about 2001. It was sometime shortly thereafter that it completely lost all entertainment value for me. Relevance? That was gone a long, long, LONG time ago.

  5. MTV is still on? I have no idea what fuse is I have never watched it. Sometimes I have VH1 or an offshoot on but i never watch it. The only time I watch videos is during old repeats of Pop up video

  6. Video killed the radio star. *sigh*

    I miss the Real World of the 90s, when the people were real and not staged to see how hooks up first with one another. I have to admit though, I did watch some of the current season and it was better than I expected it to be. The saddest part of MTV, the VJs. I miss Kurt too.
