Thursday, December 24, 2009

Insperation...or whatever that means

Tis the season...

..Or so they say.

I kno i have neglected you sweet blog. I know that your pictures have gone to red x's and your readers have gone and fled. Sans one,and he's an ..ick.

I know i must update you for i have things to say...or so i thought.

I have been busy at work. Its been hell and yes,i know that i had promised a steady stream of annoying anecdotes and observances that warranted me making or whatever that means. basically i was supposed to go Brooklyn on someones ass. Well here i am..its the end of the year and my poor sweet cheap therapy has gone unused. Well no more...I have just seen Julie & Julia ( a fab movie) and if lil miss "look at me i'm cooking" can make a blog(and throw out her marriage) i can certainly make an attempt to write and maintain my piece of the INTERNET. I shall dust off my little BLIGDEAS folder (thats BIG BLOG IDEAS rolled into one) and pulla gem or two out. I have to focus. Which of course,is hard to do when you are writing a novel and working full time... Not to mention trying not to kill your father,brother,mother and teh rest of your self absorbed family.

While they are out making babies i shall do the nobler thing.... I shall educate. Or try to at least inform.

My grammar is spelling views narrow minded violent and obscene but i can tell you one thing

I am honest.

I'm not here to make money,friends,or fame.

I am here to piss you off.

So fuck it all and on with the show.

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