Friday, May 15, 2009

Nevermind the Cowboys-Where have all the PUNKS gone to?

I became a teen when industrial hit in the 90’s and it was wonderful. Grunge and Industrial were canceling out all the 80’s power hair groups and each person accented themselves with personal style to match each personality. People wore flannel, ripped jeans, and baggy clothes not because it was stylish-but because it was cheap and easily available.

( I miss Kurt)

(and by him i mean Chris Noviselic's hair)

I had a pair of Green Doc Martens. I loved those shoes. I wore them out and just recently bought a red pair and they get me to every concert. It’s my signature.

(I have talked about them b4)

The new punk/Industrial/grunge fan paid direct homage to the punks that came before us in the early 80’s. They were dangerous. They lived in slums and squats. Fought in circle pits. Lived. Metal face, colored hair, sex. Drugs Drugs Drugs. Danger.

Sid & Nancy love.

They were feared.

But they are dead. All dead. All of them.

Tattoos are now mainstream. Punk/Rock has gone commercial.

Don’t believe me? Check out Ed Hardy- its mainstream high end rock gear that emulates the southern California rock scene.



The Hipsters COME from the SOCAL Rock scene. No one gets pain like the NY/Cleveland Rock crowds. NO ONE.

It’s the snow and the wind.

Coming from the New York rock scene, I call bullshit. You can’t bottle fame, brew glory or even put a stopper in death.

Even our cathedral was taken down: CBGB’s.

Its gone.

Ripped out of its home on the Bowery and taken to VEGAS for an attraction.

The place where the Ramones, Blondie and Patti Smyth got their starts-its gone.

But don’t despair. Go to Vegas. Take a look around fake NEW YORK and go to CBGB’s.


The place I went to was dangerous. Overfilled with Goths, punks and evil doers who didn’t give a shit about a girl in a pit or the pee on the floor. Places where the bathroom was more dangerous then the dance floor. It was loud and crud.

That’s what Rock & Roll is SUPPOSED to be.

It’s a neck tattoo, dirty clothes, stale beer and a hot guitar.

But it’s gone now-replaced by the Jonas Brothers.

SO where have all the punks gone? The rebels?


Do punks go to heaven? And is Jim Morrison there-cuz that’s where I want to be.

But you can’t get there by cutting yourself and crying for attention-emo punk. That’s not real. Reading twilight and emphasizing with BELLA is not Punk, Goth or even Rock and Roll. It’s a façade.

You have to get there by losing a few teeth, getting beaten in the pit, bar fight or two, making friends/making enemies. Living,roadtrips,loving.

Back in the van, lets go to Philly for a concert.

No money? Spare Change!

No Hotel? Parks and parking lots! Rest stops!

No food? Lets share!

Do me a favor kid-wash out your black hair, put away the eyeliner and step away from Seventeen.

That’s not Punk.

Do- get something old, something borrowed and something U and put that on. Accentuate with something cheap.

Ruffle up your hair

Listen to the Ramones or something Punk.

The Clash perhaps

And not just the hits, I mean the whole album.


Or the Smiths

Or Joy Division/New Order

And say FUCK YOU to the establishment

And GET THE FUCK OUT to the new whiny hipster culture.

Be the Punk.

Don’t let the punk be you.



  1. I FUCKING LOVE IT! ROCK THE FUCK ON, YOU SEXY BITCH!!! This is totally fucking it.

    Also: "You can’t bottle fame, brew glory or even put a stopper in death." I love you :)

  2. That was an awesome post. I will be passing this on.
