Tuesday, March 10, 2009

..and reminded everyone about No Pants Tuesdays

SO last night I was on Twitter and apparently Mr TR himself said he wasn't wearing any pants. *fangirls explode*

So today was dubbed "No Pants Tuesdays." Thus i wore the skirt/Boots combo that you see above.

Fuck yes

Today was a very bleak and dreary day.

I love these kind of days- its cool and the sun isn't beating down on you.

I walked on my lunch break and here are some pictures I took. I call this one "My Own Paradise" because its kind of cold in NY right now.I call this one "Deceptive Springtime"."Mercury dying"

"Wat" #1 in a series of pieces i cannot describe.

"The Salty Dog"
"Pony Princess"
"Wise advice"

All of these things are possibly mundane but to me are beautiful. The dreary day highlights them each and gives them a certain mystique.