Tuesday, March 31, 2009

..and laughed about Twitter.

In this golden age of technology people can connect with anyone they want to at an alarmingly fast rate. Hell i can turn on Yahoo,AIM, Trillian,MSN, or any of the chat programs and you can chat with your friend-lets say in Singapore about anything under the sun.

In addition to that you can log on face book or Myspace to update people who care about your rinky dink uninteresting life.


...Then there's twitter.

I will admit-I'm an addict.

I log on and look at peoples random thoughts...

..about pies and cock socks and weird things.

But if that wasn't the whole thing-even celebs twitter.

I follow Stephen Fry,Trent Reznor, Eddie Izzard,Dave Navarro and many others. They update on what they are doing.

But only fools actually think that these high profile celebs will actually RESPOND to them back.

--Unless you are making fun of Chris Cornell or Richard Patrick.

They don't take kindly to criticism *tee hee*

Is it so wrong that I think the last good albums they had were in Soundgarden and NIN-respectively.

I'm a bitch and I admit it. And i can't live without my twitter.

Oh btw

Hi Chris Cornell

Heard your solo album-produced by Timberland no less- its a crock of shit. You abandoned you're rock roots in search of fortune and pop stardom. You deserve neither. You ar too old to be a pop star. I miss Soundgarden-not so much Audioslave.

You are nothing but a has been rock musician who is having a midlife crisis. And since when is Timberland the "go to" producer? You know T-Bone Ber nett or Rick Rubin- they produce rock..instead you went with some two bit producer who does "wicky wicky" in the background of many of your songs and you call it a day. Even Justin Timberlake is embarrassed to be on this record as his vocals sound weak and embarrassed.

Get your ass back in the studio and do it over. Take out the hip hop beats and add some LYRICS! "Scream from the Top of yo head" makes neither sense nor lyrical magic. Its boring.
You're boring.

And do me a favor get a better look.You look like a hobo version of Dave Navarro. Dave's looked like Dave longer then you have. I liked you better with the shorter hair. Now you look like one of the homeless.

Stop it

And don't get me started on Richard PatrickHey Old man..I got something for you...

Hi Richard Patrick,former member of NIN,lead singer of Filter and younger brother of Robert Patrick.

....or should I say Scott Weiland..

..Whats a matter player? You look like you got kicked in the face by the worst plastic surgeon in all of Beverly Hills. What happened to Filter? Besides being a mediocre mish mash of Creed,Nickleback and NIN its cemented itself as a --has been rock group. "Soldiers of Misfortune?" Really Dick? Wasn't this the same song that Mach box 20 sang before every movie i saw last summer- you know "Citizen Soldier"-what ever. Its fail.

Last good album you had was "Short bus" sad fact - Most good Filter songs come off of soundtracks.

Think about that while you eat your Jurisstol..or something

Friday, March 27, 2009

...but still hears DUN DUN in her dreams.

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered
especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate
these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special
Victims Unit. These are their stories.

I love cop shows. Its always been a weakness of mine. I started life off wanting to be a cop until i realized i can make more money in the Law part then the Order.

I recently started watching SVU(which takes place in Manhattan/New York City)It stars Chris Meloni as Det.Elliot Stabler who works with Det.Olivia Benson who is played by the lovely and talented Mariska Hargitay. They comprise the core Det. of the Special Victims Unit. It deals with Rape,Child Molestation,Murder with sexual circumstances and any Child porn case. This squad is a real squad that each NYC county has but they do not deal with murder or Child porn(they have other squads that do that) Other Detectives include: Det. Munch (from Homicide played by Richard Belzer) Det. Odafin "Fin" Tutuola (Ice-T) Capt. Cragen (Dan Florek) and even a Forensic Psychologist in Dr. Huang (played by BD wong)That's two cast members from OZ (Meloni and Wong) and there were two more (JK Simmons and Dean Winters) but they are gone now. I loved OZ -it was a bitchin show that left nothing to the imagination. Possibly the reason why i like this show.Not saying rape and child molestation is cool or makes good TV. You just sympathize with the victim more? I don't know- perhaps after hearing several stories on L& O proper( may Jerry Orbach RIP) sometimes people are nasty assholes and "deserve" to die? (I don't condone murder)

I also like watching because:

a. Oz cast members.

b. Resident Forensic Psychologist.

c. Same cast members for 10 yrs.(shows been on since '99)

d. Interesting approach to the subject.

e. Only 70% of the time i can actually figure out who did it.

SO yea i Tivo it. And there's always like 100 episodes on everyday. Half my Tivo list is L&O SVU. I am gonna overload.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

.and spoke of her summer and gave advise on concerts

This summer is going to be a busy time for me-concert wise.I'm already committed to seeing two NIN concerts and now have some Modwheelmood and Tool to look forward too.I'm probably going to check out the Siren festival in Coney Island and haven't decided if i wanted to see Depeche Mode yet.

I love concerts. The thrill of the rush of cold air as you enter the arena to the anticipation of waiting for the headliner to get their asses on stage. I was fortunate enough to see Nine Inch Nail's Lights in the Sky tour which blew me away. The light show was amazing. I also saw the Foo Fighters last year and were amazed at the acoustic set.

I am glad Trent has evolved from anorexic,angst drug addicted demon to professional,sober,buff,appreciative of his fans rock legend.

I am so glad i am seeing him this tour.

Keys to surviving a concert.

1. Dress comfortable- Dresses', pleather,goth or bondage gear belong in the seats. a simple tee or tank,jeans and boots (for protection) is both practical and safe.

2. Hydrate and eat before entering the arena- that means no getting drunk. Which i know You don't. hell you don't eat..unless its luna bars and squash. That may keep you thin but that don't fix crazy and busted looking.

3. Keep all essentials in the car or at home. You need an ID,a cc and some cash for merch..FRONT POCKET NOT BACK.

4. If you piss me off- I WILL HURT YOU. Just remember in a pit if you are a guy and you beat up on a girl-she may have to hurt you back. LADIES- don't be afraid to pummel a dude if he hurts you in the pit- i have seen security LAUGH at ladies who beat the shit out of dudes and vise versa.

5. Security is there to protect the band and not you- So fuck em
edit: Although JT of NIN security is hella nice

6. If you jump the line- I will tell on you. Its ok if you and a friend wait on line and hold a place for the dude parking the car and what not- but if you allow twelve people to jump the line- you deserve to be cut in front of.

7. Be nice to the people on line- and not just your friends because who knows who is on line. One of those people could be me. I'm a nice person but have been crossed by the same people one too many times.

The world does not revolve around one persons obsession of one persons band. And this goes for all the lines and all the concerts I'm going to see. But it seems i have a problem with one person of one group. Its true. I never had a problem at a Cure concert or at the Eagles of death metal-as a matter of fact i had great times. I just dread going to NIN because i know i will never get front center rail because the small group of obsessed maniacs will be there the day before- its not fair and it ruins the concert experience for the person who may only going to one concert. Some people don't have the time or the cash to follow NIN across the country to podunk town USA.

In conclusion, be nice ,stay away from me and all will go well.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

..and got pissed off at Intervention

I watch this show called Intervention. Its a show o A&E

Here's a synopsis of the show according to the website:

Intervention™ is a powerful and gripping television series in which people confront their darkest demons and seek a route to redemption. The Intervention Television series profiles people whose dependence on drugs and alcohol or other compulsive behavior has brought them to a point of personal crisis and estranged them from their friends and loved ones. Each Intervention episode ends with a surprise intervention that is staged by the family and friends of the alcohol or drug addict, and which is conducted by one of three Intervention specialists: Jeff VanVonderen, Candy Finnigan and Ken Seeley.

Its normally a great show. It shows all kinds of addicts-alcoholics,heroin addicts,sex addicts,food junkies.

But is beating yourself up really considered an addiction? I know people sometimes cut themselves anbd the pyshcial reaction sets off chemicals in the brain but is beating yourself up (literally) doing the same thing. What i noticed about this woman is that her huisbands' negative comments were the thing thats set her off.

Wait a goddamned minute.

If your man treats you like shit so much so that you need to punch yourself in the stomach- you kick your man to the curb. No person should be verbally abusive to another person-let along in a relationship.

Perhaps she was weak willed?

Perhaps the producers of "Intervention" should have sent her to therapy for her self esteem rather then for the hitting action. She relapsed a week after leaving treatment BUT she left her husband.

Basically- that was one weak ass episode.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

..and asked something politely

I have lots of things to do. In this job market I have been reduced to a "office manager",which is ok by me- at least I have a job,right?

I have been noticing a lot of assfuckary and dumbassness when it comes to people on the phone.Therefore I have made these simple guidelines to follow if you ever call a professional setting-whether it be a lawyers office or a medical office.

1. Know why you're calling. Its imperative that when you pick up the phone you know the reason why you are calling for example: If calling a law firm for status,you can accurately tell the person picking up the phone why you are calling. It doesn't help the receptionist fields calls of dumbasses who say "status" yet their case is settled and they are waiting for a settlement check. If you are calling because of a letter or call from an attorney of professional,please have the letter or the message written down in front of you. And yes,at the bottom of every letter there is a name so there is no excuse.

2.Know who you are calling- I cannot tell you how many times people call the office and get transfer ed to me and they don't know who the hell their attorney is. Know what their name is,know who the paralegal is-its important. And no a conglomeration of the law/medical office name is not the name either.

3. Have patience. A lawsuit or medical testing takes time. You have to have some sort of patents. Leaving a message everyday is not going to make your case/testing go faster. Actually its going to annoy the attorney or doctor and delay the testing or lawsuit.

4. Learn how to leave messages.You don't know how many messages i have received where the client was arguing with some one in the back round re:people not picking up the phone and fails to leave a message OR a client leaves a message and fails to leave a number. Don't assume i have your new number.

5. Make sure you update me on any changes of address/phone. Dodging creditors,phones shut off? Always make sure someone has your alt numbers just in case we need to reach you. If you disappear,so does your case/file.

6. Questions are a good thing. If a person at the office asks you your name,don't be vague. We are asking questions only to help you-remember we are on your side and you called us.

7. Don't assume we speak another language- Its nice to know lots of people in the USA speak more then one language but if you call someone,don't assume they have someone who speaks your language. (and if you are reading and understand this then your a lying asshole) Please don't rattle of in x language unless you know that persons speaks it. Also would it kill you to ask: My name is "John Smith" i need a person who speaks "x language" please?

8. Speak clear- You don't know how important this is. I don't mean speaking English-that's another issue entirely(see above). Get to a land line- cell phones will notoriously have shitty reception when you need them. Speak clearly. Don't mumble. Don't be high/drunk. Get to the point. Don't assume i am your friend and that you can rant about why the attorney doesn't call you or how shitty your life is. I have a job to do.

Drop your ego at the door. The world doesn't revolve around you. Some people get busy-don't be a pest. Take a fucking hint-if your attorney doesn't call you back,perhaps he doesn't want to speak with your ass. Perhaps the doctor hasn't gotten the results back. Perhaps your dress isn';t ready etc etc. And would it kill you to be pleasent?

And please follow the guidelines above or i am sending your ass to the general mailbox and it'll be lost or deleted.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

..and took something back

The other day I ranted about how VH1 classic was kinda good. Well i forgot to say when it's good- JUST during the week. On the weekends it becomes "Lets show the same video movies/concerts/specials over and over". I swear,all i want to see is a block of classic videos or pop up video and instead i get more Pink Floyd then i can shake a finger at. And its the same couple of concerts...Or Kiss or Led Zepplin or Spinal Tap.

or they show a marathon of the same show...

...I give up.

Clearly ALL music TV is dead

..and yelled at Ticket buyers

I am not an idiot.

We music fans are not idiots.

Actually most music fans are not idiots but i digress.

I can see what you did there.

You,the idiot buying his Garth Brooks tickets through stub hub,what the hell. Why don't you just go to the front of the arena,club,hayfield or ballgame and just but the tickets from a scalper?

Or you,Idiot,who claims to love Dokken but yet when you go to Ticketmaster it as sold out but directs you to its "sister" site called "Tickets Now" ...But each ticket is three times as much...

Smart move? NO!

In this technological advanced age its easy for scalpers to hide themselves behind legit websites and people all over are falling for it.

I encountered this myself last year. I wanted to get pre-sale tickets to a small club show in Atlantic City and I logged on to Ticketmaster for what was supposed to be 60 Dollar tickets-of course there was high demand for the tickets and i was linked from Ticketmaster to a site called "Tickets Now" and they had tickets for 2oo each!
a. How did they get tickets so fast?
b. Who is the rube actually willing to buy tickets?

Seriously- this is legitimized scalping. Instead of the creepy guy standing outside of an arena discreetly asking you if you are selling or need tickets its now a cleverly disguised and dressed up.

Well i'm sorry: You can dress up a pig in a dress but its still a fucking hog...

Don't get ripped off by these parasites. Check your favorite bands website for details regarding upcoming ticket sales.If your favorite band doesn't address these issues-perhaps its a good idea to skip their concert all together...

..I'm looking at YOU U2

Yea i am talking to you. What happened to you? Did you let Bono's head get so big that now it can only be contained in ARENA tours.

Arena's have shitty acoustics and even shittier seats. Its not fair that some hard working joe to spend some money for a concert only to sit way up in the rear mezz.

What happened to you guys?

You guys use to have a good band with great songs. Your last album sounds like tyopical overblown corporate rock that has plagued mainstream radio.

Don't lose your artistic integrity because you have been around so long that you should be showing how its done..

I refuse to be sucked into this corporate scheme of making money at all costs.I refuse to spend more money then i have to on a concert ticket opting instead to either pay legitimate through ticketmaster or through a bands fan club presale. If i am desperate to see a concert then i rather check Craigslist for a fan that perhaps can't make it and needs to get rid of a ticket-below price.

Thats the difference between a scalper and a fan needing to get rid of a ticket-the price. A scalper can go on ebay and sell a ticket above what its worth. But a fan would rather take the loss then to let the ticket go to waste.

But ultimately its about supply and demand-if people don't get sucked into these schemes then perhaps these sites will not exist...

..and don't get me started on Merchandise...


Here is what Trent Reznor says about ticket scalping:

Friday, March 13, 2009

..and missed music television.

I'm a child of th Eighties. I remember that in my house there was one cable channel- HBO. I remember begging my mom to let me stay up on Sunday nights (till 8:30) to watch Fraggle Rock- She said no. I also remember there was this channel that all the cool kids wanted called MTV. It played music videos and was,in its day, the best shit on the planet.

fast forward to the Nighties.
The Beach house
Road Rules
Real World
Beavis and Butthead

This guy
This is Kurt Loder

He use to be Rock News Royalty.

Now MTV news is a joke. Sorry Sway,you are fucking annoying.

What happened to Music Television?

Was it the prosperous 90's and the subsequent dumbing down of the Generation. Was it the flooding in Television of the nasty ungodly unoriginal scraping the bottom of the barrel Reality show genre?

Perhaps it was I just growing up. I always joked that VH1 which is MTV's sister channel is MTV for older people, and now its kinda true.

VH1 and MTV and even Fuse have jumped the gun. No longer are they or their offshoot networks are about music but the dying idea that they are still relevant. Hell if the biggest tv shows on both networks are a show about rich bitches in LA or a series about dating a has been rapper or a balding rock star or even a show about more nostalgic times are the biggest things on the networks,why aren't people asking: Where is the music?

And don't get me started on Fuse- it started a as rock station but now is the z100 of tv-catering to both the Rap stereotypes and the teenybopper crows. I want to know why there aren't enough music videos and they have to show shitty movies like Joe vs. the Volcano..


Joe Vs. the Volcano was good

..I digress.

There are some good things if you wanted to watch these crap channels
On VH1 there is a series called "Celebrity Rehab" which shows that addiction hits everyone ,no matter how famous. I respect Doctor Drew a lot because he tries to get to the bottom of why these people aren't happy rather then try to pamper them.

I also adore VH1 classic because they actually show music videos. GOOD music videos.

Shit I remember when a music video made or broke an artist.

I think the decline in quality in music television is a direct result of the decline in quality music-thus the Music channels are scrambling to put on cheap and effective programing that will bring in the ratings.Unfortunately the side effect is - the dumbing down of a whole generation.

My whole generation have become annoyed with mainstream music and have embraced nostalgia and independent artists. I say a little too much..

Leave the 80's alone ok. Yes,it was a cool decade but supporting rip off artists,remake movies and copy cat fashions. Rather then buying the original album,movie or fashion.

In conclusion


...But then again--so is the whole music industry unless it adapts to modern times. Downloads,websites,connecting with fans.

Until then,support indy bands,turn on satellite or INTERNET radio or watch videos on Youtube. Listen to music that YOU want to listen to.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

..and told you about her favorite Doctor

This man is named Tom Baker. He was the 4th incarnation of the Doctor in the series entitled Doctor Who.

If you don't know who or what Doctor Who is,go wiki it you dolt you are both uncultured and uncouth... Its a brit tv show..


Anyway he was the doctor from 1974-1981. He was my mothers fave doctor and as of late I have been rediscovering his episodes and I can safely say i see why my mum likes him. He is wild and wacky and his scarf is cool.

Oh and Sarah Jane,his companion,kicked ass.

This is The Master.He is the "bad" guy.My mother says they have sexual tension...


Sexual Tension?

....I hate my mom.

I need a jelly baby.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

..and reminded everyone about No Pants Tuesdays

SO last night I was on Twitter and apparently Mr TR himself said he wasn't wearing any pants. *fangirls explode*

So today was dubbed "No Pants Tuesdays." Thus i wore the skirt/Boots combo that you see above.

Fuck yes

Today was a very bleak and dreary day.

I love these kind of days- its cool and the sun isn't beating down on you.

I walked on my lunch break and here are some pictures I took. I call this one "My Own Paradise" because its kind of cold in NY right now.I call this one "Deceptive Springtime"."Mercury dying"

"Wat" #1 in a series of pieces i cannot describe.

"The Salty Dog"
"Pony Princess"
"Wise advice"

All of these things are possibly mundane but to me are beautiful. The dreary day highlights them each and gives them a certain mystique.

Monday, March 9, 2009

..and wanted to share the story of her boots

It all started with a pair of RED Doc Martens. I could tell you that i chose them but no- They chose me. I was walking around a mall and entered a store and there they were- staring at me. I took a picture. It was love at first sight,me and my boots.

When I went to Vegas in December(my last paid vacation) I met with these bitches and what they remember about me most- besides my big mouth- were my red boots.Don't ask me why i look like that. I was in the middle of a sneeze

I love these boots. People love these boots. DAVE NAVARRO loves these boots. That guys is a total twitterman.LOL

Fear my boots.

..and just wanted to point out.

Dear She who shall not be named,

I won't mention your name for there are so many of you. Its hard to keep track but I can tell you its usually a woman. I have the knack of drawing them to me. The crazies. the pony people,the photo shopping dicks people,the dress makers, the blog fakers.

The obsessives.

The confessors.

The regressors.

The ones with the look of awe on their face.Like they haven't seen the same song over and over.

I am not afraid of your entourage.

I have blocked your tweets.

Ignored your posts.

Ignored your blog.

Laughed at your pathetic fandom inspired artwork.

Now i don't laugh at artists,especially when they have an idea of their own. But its a shame that someone with talent decides to use to to blatantly rip off someone else's work.

I'm an amateur, I know this but I don't pretend to know whats best. Stealing. Thats not whats best.

But here I go, bringing myself to your level. I have never been so obsessed with anything in my life. Life is to short to live in a dream.

Get the help you so desperately need.

and do it now.before its too late

A person who cares,
Tina Doll

...and perhaps offended someone

This is Me. In Vegas. Don't ask.

I am not a blog person. Hell I am not you're typical whiny punk ass who needs to share their every feeling. My Myspace is dormant,my face book is pretty much there but unused and then thers the live journal page i use to keep up with my fandoms.

I don't have followers.
I don't obesses.

So why start a blog-you ask.

Well..I take photographs...

Like this one

Thats me chillin at my desk at home on nin.com.


Some friends asked me to start a blog so they can
a.feel better about themselves
b.i can make fun of stupid shit
or people
c. share my pictures

This one is "Flowers at the Market".

I live and love in NYC. Born and raised here. I have this strictly New York sensibility when it comes to speaking my piece.I say things that my offend people. Thats ok- I don't care.I may be rude,mean,sarcastic or downright nasty but beyond that lies a sweet heart. If you are my friend. You are my friend.. :)

However if you are reading this and think I'm slightly odd-well thank you.

Let me tell you a little about myself.

Favorite color: Black and Blue- No kidding. Also i tend to play sports and i'm a bit of a clutz so yea.

Favorite Movie: Phantom of the Opera. Its also my favorite Musical.

Favorite Book: Silence of the Lambs.

Music: I follow lots of different bands. I enjoy everything from Classical to Jazz to 80's pop.
I have seen many bands in concert
Queens of the Stone age
The Cure
Nine Inch Nails
Eagles of Death Metal
Serj Tankien
The Foo fighters
The Misfits
Saul Williams
Dropkick Murphys
etc etc etc

I love culture bs and exploring my city.

So yea,this is my blog.

Like it or HTFU