In this golden age of technology people can connect with anyone they want to at an alarmingly fast rate. Hell i can turn on Yahoo,AIM, Trillian,MSN, or any of the chat programs and you can chat with your friend-lets say in Singapore about anything under the sun.
In addition to that you can log on face book or Myspace to update people who care about your rinky dink uninteresting life.
...Then there's twitter.
I will admit-I'm an addict.
I log on and look at peoples random thoughts...
..about pies and cock socks and weird things.
But if that wasn't the whole thing-even celebs twitter.
I follow Stephen Fry,Trent Reznor, Eddie Izzard,Dave Navarro and many others. They update on what they are doing.
But only fools actually think that these high profile celebs will actually RESPOND to them back.
--Unless you are making fun of Chris Cornell or Richard Patrick.
They don't take kindly to criticism *tee hee*
Is it so wrong that I think the last good albums they had were in Soundgarden and NIN-respectively.
I'm a bitch and I admit it. And i can't live without my twitter.
Oh btw
Hi Chris Cornell
Heard your solo album-produced by Timberland no less- its a crock of shit. You abandoned you're rock roots in search of fortune and pop stardom. You deserve neither. You ar too old to be a pop star. I miss Soundgarden-not so much Audioslave.
You are nothing but a has been rock musician who is having a midlife crisis. And since when is Timberland the "go to" producer? You know T-Bone Ber nett or Rick Rubin- they produce rock..instead you went with some two bit producer who does "wicky wicky" in the background of many of your songs and you call it a day. Even Justin Timberlake is embarrassed to be on this record as his vocals sound weak and embarrassed.
Get your ass back in the studio and do it over. Take out the hip hop beats and add some LYRICS! "Scream from the Top of yo head" makes neither sense nor lyrical magic. Its boring.
You're boring.
And do me a favor get a better look.You look like a hobo version of Dave Navarro. Dave's looked like Dave longer then you have. I liked you better with the shorter hair. Now you look like one of the homeless.
Stop it
And don't get me started on Richard PatrickHey Old man..I got something for you...
Hi Richard Patrick,former member of NIN,lead singer of Filter and younger brother of Robert Patrick.
....or should I say Scott Weiland..
..Whats a matter player? You look like you got kicked in the face by the worst plastic surgeon in all of Beverly Hills. What happened to Filter? Besides being a mediocre mish mash of Creed,Nickleback and NIN its cemented itself as a --has been rock group. "Soldiers of Misfortune?" Really Dick? Wasn't this the same song that Mach box 20 sang before every movie i saw last summer- you know "Citizen Soldier"-what ever. Its fail.
Last good album you had was "Short bus" sad fact - Most good Filter songs come off of soundtracks.
Think about that while you eat your Jurisstol..or something
But only fools actually think that these high profile celebs will actually RESPOND to them back.
--Unless you are making fun of Chris Cornell or Richard Patrick.
They don't take kindly to criticism *tee hee*
Is it so wrong that I think the last good albums they had were in Soundgarden and NIN-respectively.
I'm a bitch and I admit it. And i can't live without my twitter.
Oh btw
Hi Chris Cornell
Heard your solo album-produced by Timberland no less- its a crock of shit. You abandoned you're rock roots in search of fortune and pop stardom. You deserve neither. You ar too old to be a pop star. I miss Soundgarden-not so much Audioslave.
You are nothing but a has been rock musician who is having a midlife crisis. And since when is Timberland the "go to" producer? You know T-Bone Ber nett or Rick Rubin- they produce rock..instead you went with some two bit producer who does "wicky wicky" in the background of many of your songs and you call it a day. Even Justin Timberlake is embarrassed to be on this record as his vocals sound weak and embarrassed.
Get your ass back in the studio and do it over. Take out the hip hop beats and add some LYRICS! "Scream from the Top of yo head" makes neither sense nor lyrical magic. Its boring.
You're boring.
And do me a favor get a better look.You look like a hobo version of Dave Navarro. Dave's looked like Dave longer then you have. I liked you better with the shorter hair. Now you look like one of the homeless.
Stop it
And don't get me started on Richard PatrickHey Old man..I got something for you...
Hi Richard Patrick,former member of NIN,lead singer of Filter and younger brother of Robert Patrick.
....or should I say Scott Weiland..
..Whats a matter player? You look like you got kicked in the face by the worst plastic surgeon in all of Beverly Hills. What happened to Filter? Besides being a mediocre mish mash of Creed,Nickleback and NIN its cemented itself as a --has been rock group. "Soldiers of Misfortune?" Really Dick? Wasn't this the same song that Mach box 20 sang before every movie i saw last summer- you know "Citizen Soldier"-what ever. Its fail.
Last good album you had was "Short bus" sad fact - Most good Filter songs come off of soundtracks.
Think about that while you eat your Jurisstol..or something